How to Create a Morning Routine You'll Stick To
/How many times have you thought about getting up earlier to be productive, get healthy or just be intentional with the first moments of your day? Maybe you read an Instagram post or a news article about a successful person’s morning routine and thought, “I need to do that, too.”
You set your alarm the night before, telling yourself that tomorrow will be the day that everything changes. But when the morning buzzer sounds and it’s dark outside, your bed beckons you to return and you can’t refuse the warm invitation to stay under the covers for just “five more minutes.” An hour later, you sprint to the shower mumbling some choice language and you start your day feeling guilty and groggy, not perky and productive as you envisioned the night before. Sound familiar?
I’ve acted out that story in my own life and can attest it’s no way to live. Our lives are SO precious, and it’s completely within our realm of control to make sure we’re intentional with the time we have on this earth.
Since implementing a morning routine that’s now second nature for starting each day, I’ve been more productive, have grown in my faith, and have made progress on most of the big picture goals I’ve set for myself over the past four years. My routine has been instrumental in my physical and mental health and has made me a more intentional and insightful person. Not to sound overly dramatic, but my morning routine has changed my life!
Morning routines have been shown to reduce stress, support mental health, and increase our motivation and productivity throughout the day. Those three benefits alone should be enough to sway just about anyone to implement a morning routine of their own. However, my favorite aspect of a successful morning routine is the benefit of prioritizing time for ourselves. Morning routines help us choose our schedule and focus on what matters most before our kids, spouses, and jobs compete for our limited time and attention. In the words of Greg McKeown from his book Essentialism, “If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.”
Ready to build a great morning routine of your own? Keep reading for the best tips you can start using tomorrow to set yourself up for success every single day!
How to Create a Morning Routine You'll Stick To
Get up an hour earlier.
I know this can seem intimidating, but in the long run, every single one of those sixty minutes matter! To get acclimated to your new wakeup time, set your alarm clock ahead ten minutes for a week. After the first week, set your alarm clock back another ten minutes (twenty minutes total) for week two. Continue this process until you’re in a rhythm that has you up an hour before your old wakeup time.
Move your alarm out of your room.
Having trouble avoiding the ever-tempting snooze button? She’s quite the temptress. To outsmart your snooze, make sure to set your alarm just outside your bedroom. The trick is to get your feet to hit the floor and open your eyes before you have the chance to turn off your alarm.
Do a few deep breathing exercises first thing in the morning.
When you do get out of bed, it’s time to do a few key things to start your day. While waiting for your coffee or tea to brew, try doing some deep breathing exercises to get your lungs working. Your blood will get pumping and your brain will begin to wake up in a way that doesn’t feel forced.
Get your day started with gratitude.
List the five things you’re grateful for each morning. This practice will not only help you start your day with a thankful heart, but it will get you in the habit of looking for things to be grateful for each day that you can add to your list the following morning!
List your top three priorities for today.
One of my favorite things to do each morning is to make a quick list of the top three things I want to accomplish that day. This can be work-related, things to get done around the house, workouts or activities, or any quick wins you want to accomplish. The trick is to get those lingering to-dos out of your head, onto paper, and crossed off your list to make room for the things that matter! Make these three tasks your nonnegotiable to-dos for the day.
Pause and be present.
I personally take this time to pray and talk to God about what’s on my heart. I read my Bible, meditate on a few verses, and use those words as the starting point for my quiet time. (When in doubt, read a chapter of Psalms.) If you’re having trouble praying quietly or out loud, I’ve always enjoyed writing my prayers. This not only leaves a written archive of what was on my heart for the day, but it provides clarity and focus if my mind is foggy or just easily distracted that day. You can also take this time to read, journal, or just meditate to start your day with a focused mind. Whatever you choose, make sure you are spending time to slow down and enjoy this valuable time.
Move your body.
Your last idea for creating a morning routine you’ll stick to is to move your body and improve your health! Not only will this help wake you up, but hopefully you’ll start to see the physical and emotional benefits of working out, making it more likely that you’ll stick to this new routine. Start by setting a timer for ten minutes. Dance, jog in place, walk the dog, or do a quick bodyweight workout on YouTube. Your body and your mind will thank you!
Final Thoughts on Morning Routines
Are you considering making a New Year’s resolution or setting goals for your health, faith, career, or family this year? Before you even think about trying to set or accomplish a goal, you need to make sure you have a solid routine in play to set you up for massive action. Mornings are the most intentional blocks of time you’ll get in the day, so make sure you’re using your time wisely!
Morning routines are something you can implement right away that will set you up for success both for today and your future. Use these tips to create a morning routine you’ll stick to, and get excited for a productive and intentional new year!
Joyful Takeaway: If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.